Monday, September 29, 2008

Running Weekend

We spent the weekend in Missoula Montana at the Moutain West Classic XC race. Both Jaren and Darbi traveled with the team on the charter bus but only Darbi ran in the race because Jaren is still recovering from surgery this week. Darbi did well but was disappointed in the results. Her heel has been hurting and it was difficult for her to give it her all.

Jaren is recovering nicely. We took off the bandages yesterday and Nikki had to go in the other room because she was feeling quizy watching. He has about a 3 inch incision on his shoulder. He goes into the doctor on Friday to see how he is doing.

We have received a few letters from Nick and he is doing well. He loves the MTC and the spirit that he feels there. He is very busy but likes the experience overall. He will leave for Nova Scotia on October 7.

I am staying busy painting with everyone realizing that winter is coming and knowing that they have limited time to get it done before the cold weather hits. It is good for me but makes for busy days.


Tiffanie N. said...

Good Job Darbi! I can't believe how fast she is! Also, congratulations to you guys and Nick. The kids are going to write him a letter tonight. I guess I will too. I hope Jaren gets better soon. And we love Zoe!!! Is it time for us to come visit again?

Heather said...

I just got a letter from your missionary. I need his new address.

Angela said...

Do you all ever sit still? hee hee

Congrats to Darbi! And I hope Jaren is doing better!

Angela said...

oh and I am happy to report there was no gambling in Vegas a couple weeks ago.. drinking yes.. but no gambling!